Ok, here are just a few edited photos from my shoot with Captain Stab-Tuggo. I showed them to William Hogan and got some great advice on how to improve them. First, know my subject, second, draw attention to my subject, and lastly, simplify. He also suggested that I try some photos that have the subject in their environment. For example, expose the space very well and then layer a photo of the subject in the space to create a well exposed and more interesting photo. I think I might try this and see what happens. But anyways, I will post some photos later from The Imperial Opa shoot I did. Happy Shooting! ~*~Hayley~*~
Looks like much of this exploration went well, and fire/smoke is always a great great dynamic to images mostly because it is powerfully organic and hard to (truly) control. But that is a good thing in my mind, it's a material that makes for great musings.
Looks like much of this exploration went well, and fire/smoke is always a great great dynamic to images mostly because it is powerfully organic and hard to (truly) control. But that is a good thing in my mind, it's a material that makes for great musings.